My photo
Vancouver, Canada
Hello My Dear Friends,welcome to my place.Let's get to know well each other here !


The Last Class

Tomorrow, it's my last class for this term. I not only learned a lot of knowledge about writing and reading, but also made several friends. The most important thing is that I met a great teacher-Micheal !!He is very humorous. In the class, he always said some jokes now and them.

Honestly, I felt that it's so difficult about writing because my first mark for paragraph is too low. It makes me so down !! I even cried when I got home. After that, I did hard for every single writing, I know I'm not the best, but my skills for writing and reading are improving all the time.

I hope I can pass the term, actually everybody hope that. All of us have done as hard as possible. Evne thought it was a snowing day, all we insist in attending class. If I do not pass, I think that I will do harder than before next term because it must be my problems.

My Plan !!!!

I'm so excited, Christmas is coming soon because the day that I go back China is coming soon too!! During chirstmas, I am in China. I want to eat hot pot at first. Even though, we can eat hot pot in Vancouver,but the taste is always different, and Guangdong's hot pot is also different from north hot pot. Besides, I wanna go to Shanghai to do some shopping, although there are a lot of pretty clothing in Beijing, I prefer Shanghai's clothing's style.

Actually, the reason that I go back China is that my boyfriend will meet my parents. So we will have a great dinner with my parents and their friends. In addition, travelling some Beijing's famous places; such as, the summer palace and the imperial palace.  My last time for travelling those places is long time ago, but to be a chinese, I should get to know Beijing's culture well!!

Let's talk about my next year's plan. Firstly, I hope I can pass the term as I wish, then I will study phsycology next term!!  Secondly, I wanna look for a part time job. I do really wanna be mature instead of being a little girl who are looked after by others. And I want to earn money by myself, then buy gifts for my parents and my boyfriend's parents to appreciate the care given me in my daily lives. Thirdly, I wanna buy a cute teddy dog!!!! Before, I always want to buy a dog that belongs to me, but my parents do not like it. Now, I live myself, I hope they can agree to buy one for me. 

They are my new year's wished. I really hope that they can come true !!

My Lovely Cousins !!

My first cousin was born in Canada, so she is a little canadian !! Her name is Esther.

1 year old

2 years old
She is so cute, everyone knows that,lool.During in China, one time, me and her mother and my little cousin went to reastaurant to have dinner, waitress came to us, and looked at my cousin said "oh, she is so cute" in Chinese. See, you can know she is really cute !! If you took away her toys, she will say "Give it back to me." in a cute vioce, and if you give her candies, she will kiss you, otherwise she won't !!

My second cousin is also a canadian, she's more little than my first one. Becuase she was just born in October this year. Her name is Eva. She is so silent, sleeping all day. She doesn't like crying. I like silent babies. I cannot troduce her more..she's just a new-born baby~

A Happy‘ Tour in Qingdao

Qingdao is a beautiful city in china, and it is also Viva's hometown. loooool
I went there with my junior high school students by train in August last year. It took us more than 6 hours to get there !! On the way, we played poker, slept and listened to the music. After 6 hours, finally, we got there.  August is summer month, it's a good time to have fun on the beach. The first place that we can think of is beach. loool

They were about to throw me into the sea !!

All of us's clothings got wet !!

When we got to the beach, OMG!! A lot of people there, all whole beach was so crowded. It's so hard to find a place to sit. Nearling  evening, some people were about to go home. In the picture, you can see there are not to many people on the beach. That's why we can be in the pictue on the beach. LOL We stayed there for almost 4 hours, they threw me in the sea again and agian. After that , all of us were so tired. Of course, men were more tired than me, I'm not that light. LOOOL

Our lovely feet !! ^^
And our skin are getting dark because of the strong sunshine!!
Three "idiots" LOOL
After graduating from high school, it seems that everyone get crazy. So we have fun as crazy as possible. During that week in Qingdao, we go out both by day and by night, and were drunk almost everyday !! Sometimes, we went out to look for which restaurant is still open at around 3 o'clock. loool Are we crazy ??
Anyway, the tour in Qingdao is tooooooooo amazing. I can't forget those memories forever !!

A dinner party

I said before I made a lot of friends who are from different counties in ELC. Sometimes, I thinks international students should enperience this kind of class. It's unlike in College, because in college, you may also can made a lot of friends, but in some way, they are not friends. Because you do not have dinner together or hang out together or do something else. Just study together in the same classromm, in the same college. However, in ELC, me and my friends always hold a lot of parties. One kind of parties is dinner party.

People from different counties get together and cook their countries' food. During preparing the dinner, everybody will chat each other to get to know well, or dancing following the music. Everyone can't be more happy.

The last day in ELC---a presentation

At the last day of studying in ELC, we hold a presentation in Downtown. Every class should prepared a programme to show in front of other classmates. Before one week of the presentation, all of classes were already to prepare for it. Some classes were practicing dancing, some were inventing games to let others join in them. some would show us chinese kongfu, and there were many amazing shows on that day.

To my happiness, our school also prepared us a lot of fine food to let us enjoy it during the presentation.
The beautiful lady is my teacher.

ELC Family !!

Some classmates
The presentation day was the last day for us in ELC, so all of students were a little bit sad. Some of them even cried when they said "good bye" to our teachers. Because teachers in ELC are so nice.

During the three months in ELC, I learned a lot of things about Canada, and teachers always took us to some places to let us get closer to the new city.

Last New Year

Last year, I was studying in ELC (a English Program in SFU). I made a lot of frineds there, and

we celebreated last Chinese new year's day. This is my first one that I didn't celebrate with my
families. Actually, I felt sad about it, but being with my friends made me happy.

That day, my friends and roommates did a lot of delicious chinese dishes. That's very pity that I
didn't cook. lool becasue I don't know how to cook, but I did chores to help them cook.^^

This is my friend, Martin !!

 You guys can see his T-shirt. During that time, The World Cup is holding, so there are many T-shirts with different countries' flags. So all of us bought chinese T-shirt. It's also a way to love China, right? Besides, taking pictures is very necessary to remember the meaningful day.


My favourite country—Korea

The trip should go back to long time ago!! I went to Korea when I was in Middle School. Before the trip, honestlly, I don't know very well about Korea .But in China, many young girls are always addicted to watching korean drama including me. loool
Actually, that time, going to Korea is for communication between korean and chinese. Because I learned Taekwondo for 2 years (just for fun ^^). As we know, Taekwondo is korean traditional kongfu, so I and my classmates and teachers went there to widen our knowledge about Taekwondo.
My first impression of Korea is cuteness!! Actually,almost everything is cute including korean words.Of course, in korea, cute girls can't forget to travel the beautiful city and go some shopping!!
The first day of the trip, we arrived In-cheon International Airport. Then we just went to the restaurant to have a good rest. On the other days, we started to go around Korea.
For travelling, my favourite place is NAMI Islande (남이섬 in Korean,. Sorry about that, coz I really don't know its English name.^^) The Island is so beautiful, I will show you guys some pictures, then you'll know. People who like korean drama will know that a famous korean drama was produced here.

 For shopping, we went to Namdaenum. Our tourist guide told us most korean like coming here to go shopping. I was so excited. (everybody knows that girls like shopping.loool), and I spend nearly all of my money in shopping!!

Korea is a beautiful city, korean are very polite. When you come into a store, saleswomen will say "welcome" in korean with a smile and a bow. There is a thing that I have to say, that is  the price in Korea is too high, especially fruits and meat!! sigh~ !! But I love korea, I wanna visit there agian!!


Something I do not understand about Canada

     Till I came to Canada, I found a lot of differences between Canada and China during one year. But some differences make me confused because they are quite different from China.
     First of all, The first day that I came to Canada is on November 8, 2009. I felt that everything is fresh for me. When I walked along the street, the only feeling is that the city is quiet , so quiet!! Besides, the weather is so cold for me, so I wore a lot. However, most of canadians are seems that they are in Summer !! I always think that why they do not feel cold at all ? Is the reason that they eat high-calorie food when they were a child, or is the reason that they are more heathier than Asian people?
    Secondly, in China, Studying is fairly important for students because only the professional experience will be well appropriate for a good position. On the contrary, if you do not have a good education, you cannot find a good job. In other words, you cannot live a good life in the future. However, in Canada, students do not study too hard. They always go to school on 9 o'clock in the morning, and go back home on 3 o 'clock in the afternoon. For chinses students, it's a day dream !! So I do not understand why students in Canada do not have to study too hard, and what's the standard to go to a key university or a normal university?
    Thirdly, people in different cities have different custom. In China, people like taking umbrellas on riany day so that they won't be moistened by rain or snow.  Vancouver is a rainy country; however, canadians do not like taking unbrellas on rainy day or snow. So I really want to know why they do not take unbrellas on rainy day ?
     During the one year that I lived in Canada, I almost already got accustomed to the life in Canada. But I also have some confusion about canadian custom, and I really want to know the anwer.


The effects after I came to Canada

When I was in China with my parents, I was a childish girl.
Because I didn't do anything, even some housework
Parents only let me pay all my attention to study
That means I needn't to do everything!!And my temper was not good before
as long as someone didn't obey me,I would be angry at him or her
So I am sooooo dissatisfied with the previous I
However also never think about changing myself!!
Coming to Canada is one of turns of my life
After leaving for Canada
Initially, I'm not that childish like before
On the contrary, I become more mature (a really good thing, right?)!!
Besides, I learned a lot of things that I cannot get in China
For example, I knew that getting along with all kinds of people is not an easy affair
because everybody have their own thoughts, maybe someday wars will happen to you guys
at the moment, you needn't to be angry with them for not important things or people
So I also learned how to control my temper in Canada.  ^-^
At last, I learned how to control myself !!
Sleeping,having meals,go to class on time,finish homework in time and spending money!!
learning how to spend money is also an important affair as well.
Anyway, I learned a lot of meanful and important things after I came to Canada
Even though Living by myself is a tough thing for me, it is giving me priceless treasure!!
Don't you think so?


Two Types Lives

Honestly, when I was in China, my life was so boring
Everyday there were only 3 things, they are, studying, sleeping, and eating
I had no time to attend in every single party
Actually in China Parties are not popular with Chinese students
Maybe the pressure from studying forces them to control themselves.
I lived in Beijing, the capital of China
But I studied in an another city of china-An' Hui  for 2 years
In fact, students in Beijing are more relaxed than other cities' students.
So My mother took me to an another city of China so that the pressure can makes me study harder
When I was there, I hardly had time to take a shower
I can show my daily scedule there
6:00 A.M. get up    
6:50 A.M. go to school
12:15 P.M-1:40 P.M. go back home, have lunch and take a nap
2:00 P.M.-5:40 P.M. In school
6:00P.M.-7:00 P.M. have dinner
7:00 P.M.-10:00P.M. In school
Then cotinue studying till 12 o'clock after go back home
And I need to have class from Monday to Saturday
Only on Sunday I'm free
So my life was soooooooo boring and filled with only 3 things EVREYDAY

However, after I came to Canada, my life was totally different from before
I don't have to study everyday, sometimes I even don't study for several days (I know it's not good)
Besides, I begin to attend in all kinds of parties; I can go back homee too late
I don't cook by myself instead of eating outside
I don't eat meals on time
I don't get time on a fixed time.
And I become lazier than before and my life become more relaxed.
But I miss my former life-a regular life
Changing my life to be regular is necessary.


My Friends

Friends are very important for everyone.
You do not have to have so many friends
But you have to own the best one
For me, i have 3 closed friends !!
Also, they are the 3 types of friends
I've knew them for over 6 years
Now I will introduce them to you guys
One of them is in Ontario now, but not in Vancouver
She's from China and her english name is Cyndi
We were in the same middle school
However, we were not that closed that time
and I also don't know when we started to get along well
She is beautiful and clever
She does not often study, but she study well
We always go shopping or have fun together as long as both of us are in China

Another friend is in China now
Her name is Binko and she study in a famous university of China
We got to know when we were in Middle school
I sit behind her
During 3 years in the middle school we wrote diary everyday to each other
A thing impressed in my mind deeply
I didn't like studying that time so my score was so poor
But she often encouraged me and help me with my weak courses
So she is a helpful friend for me

The last one is also the one who we knew each other in the same middle school
Fortunatlly, we also studied in the same high school
She is humorous and kind
As long as we stayed together, i would laugh all the time
By the way I miss them sooooo much
I haven't met them for almost a half year..


Victoria Tour In Aug

Even though I've Lived in Van for a long time
there is no a real trip here
On Aug 24, I went to Vicrotia by loose pulley with my boyfriend
Acutally, first I didn't want to go there because of my laziness
But my boyfriend told me flowers in victoria are so pretty !!
I won't be regret to visit there
So what can I say ?
okay ,go there ,
On the way there
The view really did stick in my mind
sea gull,, they aren't afraid of people
dark blue sea,as clear as crystal
strong wind, made me awake all the time

After arrived there
we went to the restaurant first
It's said that the restaurant we booked is the most famous one in Victora
Insaid it,,,really awesome
but the room..phew disappoint me.


The garden named The BUTCHART GARDENS
The view Like a picture
So awesome !!!
Eveybody can visit there ,,,


20th Birthday _ Gettin' Older !

Yesterday I celebrated my 20th birthday with some firends of mine.
At the same time it is the first time that I celebrate birhtday in Canada.

From Sheila

From My dear and My sweetie Sunni
I was pretty happy because all of my closed firends were with my that day.
 To my surprise, all of them took gifts for me.
Actually although they didn't, I won't be happiless.
As long as I had a nice dinner with me, I already felt pleased. 
 I have already been in vancouver for almost 1 year.
 I learned a lot not only on life but also knowledge.
 However, what struck me most is that besides
family, friends are the most in our lives.
When you are not with your families
it's they that make you happy
make you moved
make you brave.
When I feel depressed
it's friends that comfort me;
when I meet difficulties
 it's friends that help me.

❤Almost Finish Our Happy Dinner ❤