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Vancouver, Canada
Hello My Dear Friends,welcome to my place.Let's get to know well each other here !


Two Types Lives

Honestly, when I was in China, my life was so boring
Everyday there were only 3 things, they are, studying, sleeping, and eating
I had no time to attend in every single party
Actually in China Parties are not popular with Chinese students
Maybe the pressure from studying forces them to control themselves.
I lived in Beijing, the capital of China
But I studied in an another city of china-An' Hui  for 2 years
In fact, students in Beijing are more relaxed than other cities' students.
So My mother took me to an another city of China so that the pressure can makes me study harder
When I was there, I hardly had time to take a shower
I can show my daily scedule there
6:00 A.M. get up    
6:50 A.M. go to school
12:15 P.M-1:40 P.M. go back home, have lunch and take a nap
2:00 P.M.-5:40 P.M. In school
6:00P.M.-7:00 P.M. have dinner
7:00 P.M.-10:00P.M. In school
Then cotinue studying till 12 o'clock after go back home
And I need to have class from Monday to Saturday
Only on Sunday I'm free
So my life was soooooooo boring and filled with only 3 things EVREYDAY

However, after I came to Canada, my life was totally different from before
I don't have to study everyday, sometimes I even don't study for several days (I know it's not good)
Besides, I begin to attend in all kinds of parties; I can go back homee too late
I don't cook by myself instead of eating outside
I don't eat meals on time
I don't get time on a fixed time.
And I become lazier than before and my life become more relaxed.
But I miss my former life-a regular life
Changing my life to be regular is necessary.

1 comment:

  1. U r turth! Vancouver just make me lazier and lazier..~nothing improve.~hahh..
