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Vancouver, Canada
Hello My Dear Friends,welcome to my place.Let's get to know well each other here !


Something I do not understand about Canada

     Till I came to Canada, I found a lot of differences between Canada and China during one year. But some differences make me confused because they are quite different from China.
     First of all, The first day that I came to Canada is on November 8, 2009. I felt that everything is fresh for me. When I walked along the street, the only feeling is that the city is quiet , so quiet!! Besides, the weather is so cold for me, so I wore a lot. However, most of canadians are seems that they are in Summer !! I always think that why they do not feel cold at all ? Is the reason that they eat high-calorie food when they were a child, or is the reason that they are more heathier than Asian people?
    Secondly, in China, Studying is fairly important for students because only the professional experience will be well appropriate for a good position. On the contrary, if you do not have a good education, you cannot find a good job. In other words, you cannot live a good life in the future. However, in Canada, students do not study too hard. They always go to school on 9 o'clock in the morning, and go back home on 3 o 'clock in the afternoon. For chinses students, it's a day dream !! So I do not understand why students in Canada do not have to study too hard, and what's the standard to go to a key university or a normal university?
    Thirdly, people in different cities have different custom. In China, people like taking umbrellas on riany day so that they won't be moistened by rain or snow.  Vancouver is a rainy country; however, canadians do not like taking unbrellas on rainy day or snow. So I really want to know why they do not take unbrellas on rainy day ?
     During the one year that I lived in Canada, I almost already got accustomed to the life in Canada. But I also have some confusion about canadian custom, and I really want to know the anwer.

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