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Vancouver, Canada
Hello My Dear Friends,welcome to my place.Let's get to know well each other here !


My favourite country—Korea

The trip should go back to long time ago!! I went to Korea when I was in Middle School. Before the trip, honestlly, I don't know very well about Korea .But in China, many young girls are always addicted to watching korean drama including me. loool
Actually, that time, going to Korea is for communication between korean and chinese. Because I learned Taekwondo for 2 years (just for fun ^^). As we know, Taekwondo is korean traditional kongfu, so I and my classmates and teachers went there to widen our knowledge about Taekwondo.
My first impression of Korea is cuteness!! Actually,almost everything is cute including korean words.Of course, in korea, cute girls can't forget to travel the beautiful city and go some shopping!!
The first day of the trip, we arrived In-cheon International Airport. Then we just went to the restaurant to have a good rest. On the other days, we started to go around Korea.
For travelling, my favourite place is NAMI Islande (남이섬 in Korean,. Sorry about that, coz I really don't know its English name.^^) The Island is so beautiful, I will show you guys some pictures, then you'll know. People who like korean drama will know that a famous korean drama was produced here.

 For shopping, we went to Namdaenum. Our tourist guide told us most korean like coming here to go shopping. I was so excited. (everybody knows that girls like shopping.loool), and I spend nearly all of my money in shopping!!

Korea is a beautiful city, korean are very polite. When you come into a store, saleswomen will say "welcome" in korean with a smile and a bow. There is a thing that I have to say, that is  the price in Korea is too high, especially fruits and meat!! sigh~ !! But I love korea, I wanna visit there agian!!


  1. The bad thing about "Namdaemoon" on your picture is that it was destroyed by a crazy drunken old man like a year ago.. My previous host family members almost cried when it actually happened. Yes, around "Namdaemoon" is the best place to buy cheap clothes^.

  2. WoW... I should go Korea too.. aks sharon be my tour gudie~ha.~

  3. hah...Korea in my mind is a country...not a city it a beautiful country
