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Vancouver, Canada
Hello My Dear Friends,welcome to my place.Let's get to know well each other here !


The last day in ELC---a presentation

At the last day of studying in ELC, we hold a presentation in Downtown. Every class should prepared a programme to show in front of other classmates. Before one week of the presentation, all of classes were already to prepare for it. Some classes were practicing dancing, some were inventing games to let others join in them. some would show us chinese kongfu, and there were many amazing shows on that day.

To my happiness, our school also prepared us a lot of fine food to let us enjoy it during the presentation.
The beautiful lady is my teacher.

ELC Family !!

Some classmates
The presentation day was the last day for us in ELC, so all of students were a little bit sad. Some of them even cried when they said "good bye" to our teachers. Because teachers in ELC are so nice.

During the three months in ELC, I learned a lot of things about Canada, and teachers always took us to some places to let us get closer to the new city.

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