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Vancouver, Canada
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The Last Class

Tomorrow, it's my last class for this term. I not only learned a lot of knowledge about writing and reading, but also made several friends. The most important thing is that I met a great teacher-Micheal !!He is very humorous. In the class, he always said some jokes now and them.

Honestly, I felt that it's so difficult about writing because my first mark for paragraph is too low. It makes me so down !! I even cried when I got home. After that, I did hard for every single writing, I know I'm not the best, but my skills for writing and reading are improving all the time.

I hope I can pass the term, actually everybody hope that. All of us have done as hard as possible. Evne thought it was a snowing day, all we insist in attending class. If I do not pass, I think that I will do harder than before next term because it must be my problems.

1 comment:

  1. last class?!!!!!i saw many people wrote about last class...always about sad feeling..T~T..i do not want to say goodbye..555555
