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Vancouver, Canada
Hello My Dear Friends,welcome to my place.Let's get to know well each other here !


My Plan !!!!

I'm so excited, Christmas is coming soon because the day that I go back China is coming soon too!! During chirstmas, I am in China. I want to eat hot pot at first. Even though, we can eat hot pot in Vancouver,but the taste is always different, and Guangdong's hot pot is also different from north hot pot. Besides, I wanna go to Shanghai to do some shopping, although there are a lot of pretty clothing in Beijing, I prefer Shanghai's clothing's style.

Actually, the reason that I go back China is that my boyfriend will meet my parents. So we will have a great dinner with my parents and their friends. In addition, travelling some Beijing's famous places; such as, the summer palace and the imperial palace.  My last time for travelling those places is long time ago, but to be a chinese, I should get to know Beijing's culture well!!

Let's talk about my next year's plan. Firstly, I hope I can pass the term as I wish, then I will study phsycology next term!!  Secondly, I wanna look for a part time job. I do really wanna be mature instead of being a little girl who are looked after by others. And I want to earn money by myself, then buy gifts for my parents and my boyfriend's parents to appreciate the care given me in my daily lives. Thirdly, I wanna buy a cute teddy dog!!!! Before, I always want to buy a dog that belongs to me, but my parents do not like it. Now, I live myself, I hope they can agree to buy one for me. 

They are my new year's wished. I really hope that they can come true !!

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