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Vancouver, Canada
Hello My Dear Friends,welcome to my place.Let's get to know well each other here !


20th Birthday _ Gettin' Older !

Yesterday I celebrated my 20th birthday with some firends of mine.
At the same time it is the first time that I celebrate birhtday in Canada.

From Sheila

From My dear and My sweetie Sunni
I was pretty happy because all of my closed firends were with my that day.
 To my surprise, all of them took gifts for me.
Actually although they didn't, I won't be happiless.
As long as I had a nice dinner with me, I already felt pleased. 
 I have already been in vancouver for almost 1 year.
 I learned a lot not only on life but also knowledge.
 However, what struck me most is that besides
family, friends are the most in our lives.
When you are not with your families
it's they that make you happy
make you moved
make you brave.
When I feel depressed
it's friends that comfort me;
when I meet difficulties
 it's friends that help me.

❤Almost Finish Our Happy Dinner ❤


  1. Dear Iris, it seems that you spent a happy birthday party, right? Bless you, may you always enjoy the life in vancouver, love you. Sheila

  2.!! Happy birthday!!
    it seems I lost ur birthday party, I feel so sad.
    why don u call me. envious that you have so many good friends to celebrate birthday with u.= =||
    just joke. whatever, have a good birthday!!

  3. Happy birthday..!!! Best Wish to u and your friend.!!
    However, where r u in the pic..??

  4. JJ: Sorry about that I did not invite u ~ Next time I will ! Promise. XD
    What date is your birthday ?
    Let's celebrate it !!

  5. Winnie: Thanks <3 It's in Fulian in metrotown. A Guangdong restaurant.

  6. Happy Birthday, Iris. Sounds like a great way to spend a birthday - eating with friends.
